Sprechstunde für Nieren-, Hochdruck- und Fettstoffwechselerkrankungen | Nierenersatztherapie und Transplantationsnachsorge | Lipidapherese, Immunadsorption
Situated in the south of the beautiful Harz mountains in the centre of Germany, we provide nephrological services including diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases, as well as disorders in close association with diseases of the kidney (eg. hypertension, metabolic disorders, rheumatic diseases). Medical consultations may be arranged during your stay in our region.
All forms of renal replacement therapy such as ultrafiltration-controlled bicarbonate hemodialysis (high flux, low flux, single or double needle), hemodiafiltration, or peritoneal dialysis (Ilfeld, Sondershausen) are provided. We are also able to provide holiday dialysis to larger groups of patients. Lipid apheresis is performed in Nordhausen. Except during evening dialysis (limited care), a doctor is permanently available.
We are able to treat HCV-, HBV-, HIV- and MRSA-positive patients.
We accept the European Health Insurance Card as well as private health insurances.
Please contact us by phone or Email at our locations.